Order Status

Order Status

Order status

  • Open: The order has been placed or created. The next steps are to process the payment, fulfill the order, and process any returns.
  • Completed: The order is placed, paid for, and delivered to the customer.
  • Canceled: The order was canceled. If a canceled order was not fully refunded, then there might be work remaining for the order.

Fulfillment status

  • Fulfilled: When you've shipped all the items in an order, it's Fulfilled.
  • Partially fulfilled: If you have shipped some but not all of the items in an order, the order's fulfillment status will be "Partially fulfilled."
  • Unfulfilled: When an order is placed, it is marked as "Unfulfilled" unless you have chosen to automatically capture the payment and fulfill all of the order's line items in the checkout settings.

Payment status

  • Paid: Payment was automatically or manually captured, or the order was marked as paid.
  • Unpaid: Unpaid payment status refers to orders with the following payment statuses: Authorized, Pending, Expired, and Partially paid.
  • Authorized: The payment provider validated your customer’s payment information.
  • Authorization expired: Payment wasn't captured before the date that was set by the payment provider on an order that had the Authorized payment status.
  • Payment failed: Failed payments can occur from both the merchant's end and the customer's end. A customer will often experience payment failure due to a faulty internet connection, entering incorrect payment details, or because there is not enough money in their account to cover the payment.

Refund status

  • Refunded: The customer is refunded the amount they paid for the item.
  • Partially refunded: The customer is refunded a portion of the money they paid for the item.

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